Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Independent Day

I remember as a kid I wanted to do everything myself.  I was very independent.  And I still am.  Dependence on others isn't a bad thing, but I'll confess I don't ask for help for very much.   So as we ponder our freedoms tomorrow we should also ponder from what we would like to be independent of  (spouses and children are exempt, sorry!)  

I would like to be independent of worry, the now & then feelings of defeat, the voice that says "that's impossible!" and independent of  debt and about 50 lbs.  We should wave flags tomorrow and see fireworks and ponder all the ways that we can be free of the things that keep us dependant.  Maybe you want to be off a medication, or to be free of your assorted piles.  Maybe you want to be free of regret or your timidity.   Maybe you want to be free of fear or weeds. Whatever it is, there's only one way to start the freedom: you have to start!   Do something, anything.  Try something else if that doesn't work.   Don't listen to those pesky doubts and don't be easily discouraged--one small step every day til the piles or the pounds or medication is gone.   Be independent on this Independence Day--see every firework and sparkler as my personal message of encouragement to you.  Celebrate freedom and celebrate YOU!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Craft Wars = Ridiculousness

From my last post you know that I thought the idea of the show Craft Wars on TLC was pretty ridiculous.  And now that I've seen it, its been confirmed: RIDICULOUSNESS!

The reality-show formula of expert panel of judges meets contestants vying for prize, round 1 eliminations, public critiques and ridiculous challenges is still alive and well in Craft Wars.   There is nothing new or clever in this show, the challenges are a bit extreme for the time limits and the judges scold contestants with statements akin to, "everyone knows you can't do THAT!"  I love crafting because there aren't any rules, boxes or norms--its whatever one can achieve however they achieve it.    Hasn't this show boxed in the craft world a bit with such commentary? 

Let's not overlook the commercialism in this 'reality' programming.  Its a marketing heyday for Michaels Craft Stores under the guise of a competition.   You'd never find me on this show!  The contestants are puppets exploited in TLC's quest for ratings.  The title for the show is awful & ratings are achieved by juvenile interviews, contrived drama and matter-of-fact commentary by the judges in a field which is everything but matter-of-fact.  Can we structure a show in a way that might yield true television-worthy moments, candid and meaningful information and real emotions?   And must every reality show have a panel of three judges?  Is that another hard and fast rule I'm not familiar with?

For a show supposedly all about creativity, Craft Wars isn't very creative at all.  A tired reality-show formula and a contrived war premise makes this a flop for me.