The wonderful blue and orange can that I use mostly in the winter sits atop my computer hutch. I recently moved it because, well, the winter dryness is gone and the spring rains have come and I don't need it so much right now. It has the best name--Static Guard. I wonder if sprayed on relationships, cell phones, radios, committee meetings and government agencies it would have the same effect? To guard against static is it’s goal. If you had to describe your purpose in two words would it be as succinct as Static Guard?
Some people guard the static in their lives rather than guarding from it. I have always said that unnecessary habits and behaviors are just a kind of static. We repeat them because we feel or think that they satiate us in some way. If we didn't have that thought we wouldn't keep at them. For instance, my sweet tooth--I keep feeding it. Why? I guess I have a false perception of the comfort that dark chocolate (my favorite!) will provide. I admit it--totally an emotional eater! And yet those extra pounds (and what they'll eventually do to my body) are static. Where's the can for this?!
My faith is so vital to me--in essence God is my static guard. God's children really have all they need and excess of any kind is a self-inflicted static that makes us cling to something other than Him. The solution doesn't come in a can, but rather God's word.
I know scripture, and God for that matter, seem to be politically incorrect subjects anymore. People long for a rose-colored world view where everyone goes to Heaven and everyone has the same God. And yet my source doesn't say this. While scripture offers hope and peace, it is filled with lots of violence and quandries and puzzlements. Scripture is not limited to happy endings so why should life be like that? God leaves many mysteries in scripture and I believe this is purposeful--if everything was in a book in a how-to format, would we any longer look to Him? God longs for a relationship with his people--and the conundrums keep us close to Him.
We must guard against the static that interferes with our communion with God. The static may come from people or things but we must be ruthless in rooting it out and spraying it down.
Do it: Decide today one thing you can do to lessen the static in your life. Keep deciding it everyday.
Have a creative day with your Creator!
Good point about the chocolate. I decided to LOVE chocolate a long time ago but it is said to be an acquired taste. Once when I was a teenager I tested my will power and denied my sweet tooth. When I decided to try sweets again and bit into a chocolate chip cookie it didn't taste as fantastic as I remembered. Of course I just kept trying until I had my original chocolate loving taste buds back. I've never stopped loving my creator.