Isn’t it funny that you never hear anyone ask, “What if they like me?” “Does this dress make me look thin?” “Oh no, I’m just sure I’ll win, what then?” Why is it that we don’t worry about good things happening? In fact, I think we worry about not getting something but never consider what will happen if we do.
Let’s attempt a new worry. Let’s consider going through a day thinking about the possibilities of positive things rather than negative things. Maybe this is what makes successful people successful—they actually considered what would happen if they reached the goal. I've heard of positive mental attitude and visualization techniques--perhaps reframing our worries is another description.
If we replaced our earthly worries with prayers perhaps we’ve found the answer to worry. Worry gives us some feeling of satisfaction or we wouldn't engage in it so often. Perhaps worrying helps us to feel we have control over situations in which we really have no control. Many of us are not good at waiting or just being so fretting becomes a habit.
I used to know a guy who said you should draw what you really want and put it on the fridge and exhibit a spirit of thankfulness for it before you even got it. I think if we truly took the time to do that we might wish and ask for different things. And maybe that was his point. It's a good thing my artistic abilities have little to do with the ability to render recognizable images--the picture of the new art studio I want might actually look like a mastiff and my only (four-legged) child is not good at sharing the limelight.
Do it: Ponder the opposite--"what if I have a great day?" "What if I do well?" "What if they like me?" How does it change your productivity, your outlook, your expectations for the futre?
"I've always believed that you can think positive just as well as you can think negative."
--James Baldwin
Great thoughts! It is true by the way, life is what you make it. I give our creator credit too. I believe it's a partnership.